Duffel Bags
Duffel bag, 10 oz. vinyl - all colors, flat with drawstring, 24" x 36".
B - ADB-14
Army Style Duffel Bag, round, 14" diam., 34" high, with carrying handle
and shoulder strap, 18 oz. vinyl, all colors. 18 oz. canvas bag, beige
B - ADB-15
Army Style Duffel Bag, round, 15" diam., 38" high, with carrying handle
and shoulder strap, 18 oz. vinyl, all colors. 18 oz. canvas bag, beige
C - DB
Duffel Bag, utility bag, canvas, approximately 8 oz., beige, flat
with drawstring, 24" x 36".
Equipment Bags
Sports travel bag, 17" x 14" x 27", wrap around handles, full zipper,ideal
for football shoulder pads and practice equipment. 18 oz. vinyl - all
E - BB-4
4-Ball basketball carrier, zippered. 18 oz. vinyl - all colors.
E - BB-6
6-Ball basketball carrier, zippered. 18 oz. vinyl - all colors.
E - BB-8
8-Ball basketball carrier, zippered. 18 oz. vinyl - all colors.